Take me out to the Ball Game...

This weekend we were invited to a baseball game with a friend. It was a fireworks game, so we were guaranteed baseball, fireworks, gin and tonics I smuggled in and stadium dogs. I'm not interested in sports, but I like the sociability of baseball. It's a family venue where you can relax and chat through the various innings, stopping only to do the wave, cheer for the A's or to sing "Take me out to the ballgame..."

Explaining the game to me, I need to have it explained over and over! The Coliseum is an older stadium that doubles for baseball and football. You can see the top layer of seating that is covered over for baseball season.
After taping off the diamond, following the game, they allow the crowd onto the field to watch the fireworks. Like these two guys we stayed in our seats to enjoy the show.
The fireworks were spectacular and because of some sort of 'tie in' they were set to the music from Star Wars. There's something magical about the wonderment you feel when you see them bursting into the sky above. It's great sitting in the cold, looking up and being surprised by the beauty and power of something so transient. I can still hear the noise of them going off in my head!
We're smiling even though the A's lost - they must have been good fireworks.Thanks Birdi - go A's for 2012!
